BitTorrent is a P2P porn-centric file sharing protocol used by basement dwelling virgins to download massive amounts of furfuckery and yiffporn,
which is usually called torrenting. It is probably the most common protocol for transferring the insanely large folders of yaoi back and forth
over the internet. Other common files that are transferred over the BitTorrent protocol include hentai, tentacle rape porn, amputee porn, pedoporn,
dutch porn, snuff porn, and some movies. It is estimated that over 35% of the internet’s traffic is found on the BitTorrent protocol.
Because sharing is enforced, it will rape your bandwidth-capped USA-tier internet connection so good your ISP will probably cock block you:
this is expected and necessary for the evolution of each torrent, so just use a damn VPN. The better quality the torrent, the better it is seeded.
If you pick a 2kB/s torrent with 3 seeds and 67 leeches, you're doing it wrong.
- Encyclopedia Dramatica 2024