
"Despite the infinite magnificence and permanence of the stars which we lack,
it is only we who are given the beautiful gift of beholding them, and in that lies fulfilment greater than any else."

Good day! Good Morning! Good afternoon! Whereever thou art! Hello there you clever little sausage! Haveth thou stumbeleth upun mine website? The following colage of colours, and images, and text, and buttons is the webiste of yours truly! My little corner on the great information highway! I am as true as to be: Nidardos, of the Klan of the Oily Rats. I reptresent our RatOilerKlan in the highest autority, as my title is: Magna Gloria, Dominus Rattorum! BUT that is all beside the point, this website shall showcase me and such to be! Possibly some shrines, possibly some branch to the Klan!? Who knows? God? I'll be working on this website until I die of old age. Not because I want this website to be ever expanded and improved, but because it takes me ages to do anything! Anywhay, thanks for reading this "header" of a block of text, it's just a rambe really, not very informative.

This website is alzo subject to Monthly Changes! The first day of every month I'll upload whatever I've worked with it is.
The links to the left does not go far, but you're welcome to take a look.

Yours truly
Nidardos RatOiler
2020 - 2024